
目前显示的是 十月, 2019的博文

The Best 3 in 1 Vape Pen for Dry Herb, Oil and Wax

What is a Vaporizer? A vaporizer is an electronic device that heats something up to turn it into a vapor without causing combustion (i.e. without smoke). The most well-known vaporizers are e-liquid vaporizers, otherwise known as e-cigarettes, but weed vaporizers, wax vaporizers and THC oil vaporizers are also common, as well as devices that vaporize tobacco instead of burning it (often called heat-not-burn devices). A marijuana vaporizer generally has a heating chamber, which is raised to a specified temperature to vaporize the marijuana for users to inhale. The temperature setting you choose affects which compounds from the marijuana make their way into the vapor. If you’re looking for the best vaporizer for weed, one which allows you to choose from various temperature settings is essential. Other types of marijuana vaporizer work a little differently. Some types of weed vape pen are specifically intended for oils, and these work more like traditional e-cigarettes, with a small